Several things come to mind. The producers may save money on expensive sets and costumes by distracting the audience with sing-along participation, engineering a snowball effect "Wow we had a great time, the star sang just next to us." that could spark greater box office. Or it is a sign of the times creating a momentary common identity. "We are all the same, let the sun shine in!" In any event, it looks cheap.
Having been raised as a Catholic, I've often thought that the resemblance of the cinema to a church was what turned me into a cineaste: the sense of people gathered to share an experience; the warmth; the dimmed light; the focus on exotically dressed individuals, engaged in a mystic ceremony; even the music. If some way had been found to incorporate movies into the mass, I'd probably still be a believer.
Perfect. I could go to church or other events where the audience is encouraged to sing. I heard Pearl Jam was very popular as it included the wannabe singers in the audience who delighted in participating. I accept I am a little conservative and prefer to hear whom I pay to hear. Each to their own.
Several things come to mind. The producers may save money on expensive sets and costumes by distracting the audience with sing-along participation, engineering a snowball effect "Wow we had a great time, the star sang just next to us." that could spark greater box office. Or it is a sign of the times creating a momentary common identity. "We are all the same, let the sun shine in!" In any event, it looks cheap.
People gathered in a hall to be entertained by performers in costume and indulge in communal singing? Sounds like....well, church.
Having been raised as a Catholic, I've often thought that the resemblance of the cinema to a church was what turned me into a cineaste: the sense of people gathered to share an experience; the warmth; the dimmed light; the focus on exotically dressed individuals, engaged in a mystic ceremony; even the music. If some way had been found to incorporate movies into the mass, I'd probably still be a believer.
Perfect. I could go to church or other events where the audience is encouraged to sing. I heard Pearl Jam was very popular as it included the wannabe singers in the audience who delighted in participating. I accept I am a little conservative and prefer to hear whom I pay to hear. Each to their own.